Saturday, June 19, 2010


Erik's primary teacher told me the other day about an experience she had with him in class...She was teaching a lesson on faith, and in the middle of class Erik raised his hand. She called on him and this was their conversation:

Erik-I don't like my sister.
Sis. Stevens-I'm sure you love your sister. She might make you mad sometimes, but I'll bet you love her.
Erik-No, I don't like her. Not even a little bit.

Sister Stevens let it drop and continued with her lesson...about fifteen minutes later, Erik raised his hand again.

Sis. Stevens- Yes Erik.
Erik-I guess I like my sister.

Needless to say, faith kinda went in one ear and out the other that day.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Long time, No see

I haven't posted since January??? Really?! Wow, time flies!
Today is the last day of school for the kids and I'm not NEARLY as excited as they are. Any ideas on how to keep them busy and out of trouble through the summer??? Tim and I took a trip to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico last weekend. It was tons of fun! Thanks to my mom for flying in to watch all three kids while we relaxed!