Well, we've got 7 weeks, and a couple days left till baby number three is born. I'm already on the books at the hospital to be induced on April 9th at 6:00 a.m.! I think I'm excited...I know how active boys are and I think Baby Boy Tremayne is easier inside, but I can't wait to see him. This has been the easiest pregnancy so far, except I feel like I've had a constant cold all winter long. I had a doctor's appointment on Monday, and I've put on a total of 9 lbs. this pregnancy. Yay!! Definitely a switch! With Ashley I put on around 60 lbs. Erik I put on about 30 lbs.
The kids are really excited about the new baby, Although Ashley has moved past this pregnancy onto the next when we'll (obviously) be giving her a baby sister. They are so cute. They love to pet, hug and kiss my belly and are always talking to "baby". It would really be nice if they could call him by name, but we STILL haven't decided on a name. Thankyou everyone who voted on the poll, but Tim decided he didn't really like any of those names anymore. ARGHH! I am open to any suggestions anyone might have.
So I told Tim that we were scheduled at the hospital for April 9th. He then told me that we are having his Dad's 60th birthday party on April 8th......fine......at OUR house......not so fine. He says he'll take care of everything...cooking, cleaning, hosting.....and that I was not to lift a finger. We'll see if things develope that way.
15 years ago
WOW only 7 weeks?! That's crazy how fast it has gone!! YAY for only gaining that much! That makes all that work you did before so much better! No suggestions on names, I don't know what you are like or want....different or normal? or normal different? lol. sorry no help!
I hope you get you hubby to really do all of those things. If he does maybe you should rent him out!
You know what happens when you schedule things around your due date? You go into labour the day the evnt is scheduled! Happens all the time. Good luck!
Let the count down begin!! But, where are all the cute pregnancy pic's of you!! Oh yeah, why do they induce you, or is that past your due date in case baby doesn't come on his own?
How exciting! Good luck with the last seven weeks! I hope everything keeps going smoothly (party included :)
No cute prego pictures, cause prego pictures of Amy are NOT SO CUTE! and I'm induced because I choose to be and my doctor says "ok". I would absolutely freak out if I went into labor on my own, I've never done it. Ashley and Erik were both induced before their due dates too.
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