Okay, Connor is 2 1/2 weeks old now, so I guess it's time for an update. Connor is doing really well, he's growing fast and is very healthy...or so they tell us at the doctor's office. He's had an infected umbilical, but we've been treating that and it's fallen off and healed up now. He's got a cute little outie...I don't know if he'll think it's so cute later on, but we love it. I got mastitis, and got over that..whew. He's a good little eater and sleeper. He is a fast eater, which concerned me at first. I had heard (and my other two followed the trend) that a baby should eat about 15-20 minutes on each side. I'm lucky if I can get Connor to nurse for 15 minutes....total. But he put on 1.2 lbs. in a week, so I guess he's getting what he needs. He wakes up twice at night, once at 1 once at 4 and takes a half hour total to eat, have his diaper changed and go back to sleep, so I'm not hurting too much there. Everyone keeps asking me if the baby is wearing me out. Give me a newborn anyday!!! Somebody needs to tell me how to deal with my 2 year old...he's the one wearing me out!
The other day, I couldn't hear Erik, which is never a good thing. I though he was downstairs with Tim, so I went down there, but he hadn't seen him. Guess where I found him....sitting in the sink, in the bathroom applying my makeup. I had to spend a small fortune replacing most of what he got his hands on. I'm happy to report I kept my cool pretty well. In fact Tim commented that he was impressed that I didn't "pinch his little head off". It was a near thing.
Today, I got a call from the 911 dispatcher. Erik decided we had an emergency, I guess. I told the dispatcher we didn't have an emergency.....YET. I realized that might not be a very wise thing to say when I remembered those calls are recorded. So for the record...I'm not going to maim my son....I promise. At least not today.