-You don't have to treck down to the kitchen to make a bottle in the middle of the night
-You don't have to pack up bottles and formula if you need to go somewhere
-The longer you breast feed, the less likely you are to get breast cancer
-Immunity Boost for baby
-Bonding with baby
Am I missing anything?
-The scale won't budge (this is true for me anyway, can't seem to lose weight)
-Baby sleeps longer with formula (which equates to more sleep for mom)
-Dad can't help with the feedings
-I can't go see movies or anything else that takes more than 2 hours
-It's inconvenient, and embarrassing to nurse in public
-Baby can be sensitive to foods mom eats
Am I missing anything?
To wean or not to wean, that is the question. Is three months enough? What do you think?
15 years ago