-You don't have to treck down to the kitchen to make a bottle in the middle of the night
-You don't have to pack up bottles and formula if you need to go somewhere
-The longer you breast feed, the less likely you are to get breast cancer
-Immunity Boost for baby
-Bonding with baby
Am I missing anything?
-The scale won't budge (this is true for me anyway, can't seem to lose weight)
-Baby sleeps longer with formula (which equates to more sleep for mom)
-Dad can't help with the feedings
-I can't go see movies or anything else that takes more than 2 hours
-It's inconvenient, and embarrassing to nurse in public
-Baby can be sensitive to foods mom eats
Am I missing anything?
To wean or not to wean, that is the question. Is three months enough? What do you think?
15 years ago
We were just talking about this at the shift leader meeting last night. I always thought that breast feeding made you lose weight but most of the girls last night said they couldn't. I personally think that if youc an breast feed then do. I only got 2 months in with each of my kids. And I wish I could have gone longer. My first goal all along was 1 year then when I started having goals I said 6 months. You just have to decide what's best for you and your family. I personally say sacrifice a few months for better outcome in life for Connor and lower chances on breast cancer is worth it. Just my thoughts though.
You need to do what you feel is best for you and your baby. :) I don't have a fear of nursing on public or the movie theater, I just use a cover that he can't pull off. It would suck to wean him now because you would get real engourged... OUch! You know what you can handle, if you think it is causing to much sress, then don't do it. The older they get, the easier it is though. Less feedings. Good luck!
It does get easier as they get older, more time between feedings. Also, as far as sleeping longer on formula, I think it depends on the child still. My first was like clock-work, eating every 2 hours, whether on formula or breast milk. My last, he slept through the night only on breast milk. My advice, pump and feed in a bottle or use formula once a day from here on out. That way when you do need to leave him with a babysitter, you can be gone for more than 2 hours. I did that with Abby because I had to go back to work for a few months. With Emily, I didn't work and saw no need to. But as a result, she refused to take a bottle or sippy cup and ended up nursing her until 13 months old. I do think boys are harder to breast feed than girls though. I weaned Tommy at 10 months. He was really rough on me.
It is worth the sacrifice and it is something you can feel good about that you did for your baby!
breast feeding is hard work! There are no if and or butts about it. However, the quiet time when it's just you and the baby is a rare moment in time. I think that when it's time to wean is all up to the particular mommy, and baby at hand. However, I don't think that supplementing with a bottle of formula here and there ever ruined a baby. you can do both, you can also pump, and daddy can take a turn with a late night feeding. Three months is a good time to introduce a bottle anyway, just so they don't refuse them all together. Start with the really wide nipples, so it's more like you. You might also have to have tim give him the bottle cause he can smell your milk, and he might refuse the bottle if it's you trying to get him to take it. Good luck, with your decision, no matter what if it works for you, than it was the right one!
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