Wahoo!!! We've finally got our contractor here working on the bathrooms!! We've only been trying to get this done since May. Has anyone else had problems with reliable contractors? No offense to any of you contractors reading this, I'm sure you're excellent.
I'm very excited to get my master bathroom fixed....finally. We haven't been able to use the shower in that bathroom for about 3 years. Because of water damage caused by a poorly sealing shower door, the sub-floor needed to be replaced, so the whole thing basically needed to be gutted. We decided if we have to fix it anyway, why not go for greatness, so we're completely remodeling it. I wish I had some before pictures, but as soon as I take some I'll post some "during" pictures and an after.
Anyway, because we couldn't use the master shower, Tim and I were using the basement shower, until......that one was put out of commission too. I'm thinking the plumbers who did the house cut some major corners, or maybe it was the owners finishing the basement, who knows. I was preparing to get in the shower, and was leaning my hand against the back wall while I turned on the faucet and......my hand went right through the tile. Well, Tim started pulling the tile off, and apparently whoever did the bathroom didn't tile on cement board, or even water-proof dry wall, but right on regular dry wall. There was black mold all in the walls and under the tub and everything. GREAT! So that had to be ripped out. And now we're going for greatness on that bathroom too. I've never been so happy for lots of bathrooms though. We did have one other tub to shower in (the kids bathroom), and we're hoping that one doesn't have to end up being fixed before the others are done, or we're up a creek without a paddle. I'll never again complain about having to clean 4 toilets.
15 years ago
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